workshop Joanie Lemercier - atelier arts numeriques Bordeaux arts visuels

Meetings & Masterclasses

Selections of encounters & masterclasses already completed

yosi horikawa - echoavenir festival musique electronique video mapping bordeaux nuit


Masterclass Field Recording by Yosi Horikawa

Jacques Thibaud Conservatory, Bordeaux

Yosi Horikawa is an artist and musician who is an adept of “field recording”. He has the particularity of capturing the sounds that surround him on a daily basis to create his music.

He came to Bordeaux to present his work on his sound recordings taken on the Gironde coast during a 3-hour masterclass at the Jacques Thibaud Conservatory.

Alex Augier - atelier éducatif workshop masterclass initiation numerique bordeaux gironde nouvelle aquitaine


Masterclass by Alex Augier

Former savings bank, Mériadeck Bordeaux

During the inauguration evening of the European Heritage Days 2017, the association Organ’Phantom had the chance to host a masterclass by the audiovisual artist Alex Augier about his piece _nybble, a synesthetic experience mixing experimental music and generative visuals.

workshop Joanie Lemercier - atelier arts numeriques Bordeaux arts visuels


Workshop by Joanie Lemercier

Centre for the Interpretation of Architecture and Heritage, Bordeaux

Introduction to the 2D mapping toolkit module developed under the VVV software.

eav5 - festival creations originales preformance av masterclass video-mapping bordeaux


Masterclass byYMCA

Cap Sciences, Bordeaux